Bribery Act 2010 – UK and Bribery Act 2013 – Isle of Man. 

The UK Bribery Act (BA 2010) received Royal Assent in April 2010 and came into force on 1 July 2011. The Isle of Man Bribery Act 2013 (BA 2013) received Royal Assent on 21 May 2013 and came into force 16 December 2013. Together throughout this policy they are referred to as the Bribery Acts.

Policy Statement

It is accepted that bribery undermines democracy and the rule of law and poses very serious threats to sustained economic progress in developing and emerging economies and to the proper operation of free markets generally.

It is’s policy to conduct all of its business in an honest and ethical manner. takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships wherever we operate: implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter bribery and corruption. We will uphold all laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption in all the jurisdictions in which we operate. However, we remain bound by the laws of the Isle of Man (IoM) and the United Kingdom (UK), including the BA 2013 and the BA 2010 in respect of our conduct both at home and abroad.

The BA 2013 is comparable with the BA 2010. Isle of Man businesses doing business in the UK will already be familiar with the requirements of the BA 2010 and this is the primary reason why the BA 2013 was introduced as a new piece of legislation rather than by amendment of the previous legislation, the Corruption Act 2008.

The Offence

Both the BA 2010 and BA 2013 make it an offence for either a UK or IoM citizen or resident respectively to offer or to promise to pay or receive a bribe, either directly or indirectly. The Bribery Acts create three main offences:

bribing a person to induce or reward them to perform a relevant function improperly;

requesting, accepting or receiving a bribe as a reward for performing a relevant function improperly; or

using a bribe to influence a foreign official to gain a business advantage.

A relevant function can be any activity associated with the private or public sector provided that the function should be carried out in either good faith, impartially or that the person performing it is in a position of trust.

The Bribery Acts provide for transactions that take place in the UK, the IoM and abroad, and in the public and private sectors. Commercial organisations can also commit an offence if they, or an associate, commits bribery on their behalf to gain or retain a business advantage. However, it is a defence, in this case, for the organisation to have in place adequate procedures to prevent bribery.


Under the Bribery Acts there is the new corporate offence of failing to prevent persons associated with it from bribing. Associated person means any person (individual or an incorporated or unincorporated body) who performs services for or on behalf of the organisation. It makes no difference if the organisation had no knowledge of the bribe or where in the world the bribery takes place. The only defence is, can the organisation prove it had adequate procedures in place to prevent persons associated with it from bribing?

As with the guidance issued by the Ministry of Justice under the BA 2010 (UK Guidance), the IoM Guidance issued by the Department of Home Affairs does not define “adequate” procedures – it is for the courts to decide whether the procedures were adequate taking into account the particular facts and circumstances of the case. However, both suggest Organisations should adopt a proportionate and risk-based approach. through its board of directors have considered the Bribery Acts and the guidance provided and their impact on the business of They have agreed to take a risk based approach and consequently have agreed to adopt and instil the six principles stated in both the BA 2010 and the BA 2013 into our business.

Who Is Caught

The Bribery Acts apply to all individuals working for at all levels within the organisation, including senior managers, officers, directors, employees (whether permanent, fixed-term or temporary), consultants, contractors as well as agents, business partners, resellers or any other person associated with

Application of the Six Principles

As with the UK Guidance, the IoM Guidance considers anti-bribery policies and procedures should be informed by six principles, however, they are not prescriptive. They are intended to be flexible and outcome focused and applied in the circumstances of the particular organisation. has adopted all six principles across its business:

1. Proportionate procedures’s procedures are clear, practical, accessible and proportionate to the company’s activities and the bribery and corruption risks it faces depending on both the industry and geographical locations of the markets in which we operate. has introduced policies and procedures to cover its commitment to bribery prevention, its general approach to mitigating specific risks and an overview of its anti-bribery implementation strategy.

2. Top-level commitment
Top-level management within have an appropriate degree of involvement in developing anti-bribery procedures and effectively communicate these internally and externally as well as promoting a culture where bribery is never considered acceptable.

3. Risk assessment
Periodic proportionate risk assessments of the nature and extent of exposure to internal and external risks of bribery by persons associated with are regularly undertaken and documented by management. This helps ensure the entire company and our employees will have an up-to-date understanding of the bribery risks we face.

4. Due diligence takes a proportionate and risk-based approach and has a clear policy on the selection of all employees and associated persons, including all our business partners and contracting parties.

5. Communication (training)
Anti-bribery policies and procedures are understood throughout at all levels. This has been achieved by internal and external communication and through tailored training to employee and associated persons.

6. Monitoring and review continually monitors, reviews and improves its procedures to ensure it works effectively and its procedures are being consistently followed. has a whistleblowing procedure which is an important tool to detect corruption and other failures in anti-bribery procedures. This policy is clearly stated in our staff handbook.

What is acceptable practice?

Bona fide reasonable and appropriate hospitality and promotional, or other business expenditure which seeks to improve the image of a commercial organisation, better to present products and services, or establish cordial relations, is recognised as an established part of doing business. However, such hospitality must always be proportionate and reasonable otherwise it may be considered a bribe.

In order to amount to a bribe under the Bribery Acts there must be an intention for a financial or other advantage to influence the third party in order to thereby secure business or a business advantage.

The giving and accepting of gifts is allowed if the following requirements are met:

  1. it is not made with the intention of influencing a third party to obtain or retain business or a business advantage, or to reward the provision or retention of business or a business advantage, or in explicit or implicit exchange for favours or benefits;
  2. it does not include cash or a cash equivalent (such as gift certificates or vouchers);
  3. it is appropriate in the circumstances, taking account of the reason for the gift, its timing and value.
  4. it is given openly, not secretly, and it complies with any applicable local law.
  5. appreciates that the practice varies between countries and regions and what may be normal and acceptable in one region may not be in another. The test to be applied is whether in all the circumstances the gift, hospitality or payment is reasonable and justifiable. The intention behind it should always be considered.

What is not acceptable practice?

Any payments in excess of what would be reasonable in all the circumstances would not be acceptable and any suspicions should be brought to the attention of a manager. This is particularly important where those payments could be considered to facilitate kickback payments made, for instance to secure or expedite a routine or necessary action.

What to do if you believe there has been a bribe? encourages all its staff to raise any concerns or suspicions about corruption with their manager by following the whistleblowing policy. All staff are informed of the importance of this policy and the importance of detecting and reporting any and all forms of corruption, and in particular, to consider any “red flag” scenarios. The prevention of bribery is the responsibility of the staff of and any member of staff who breaches this policy will face disciplinary action which could result in their dismissal for gross misconduct.


Training around the importance of the Bribery Acts to the business of is provided to all staff including on their induction. has a zero-tolerance to bribery and corruption in the business environment and this ethic is passed down from the board of the directors to all suppliers, contractors and business partners.

Through the training of staff it is expected that they will identify and report any bribery or corruption to ensure the effective implementation of this policy and ensure the culture of the business is preserved

Overall commitment to anti-bribery and corruption’s executive team have primary and day-to-day responsibility for implementing this policy, and for monitoring its use and effectiveness. Management at all levels are responsible for ensuring those reporting to them are made aware of and understand this Code. keep all financial records and have appropriate internal controls in place which will evidence the business reason for making payments to third parties. There is also a process of declaration required for all gifts accepted and offered.

We believe has shown a demonstrable commitment to preventing bribery through the leadership of its senior management and they have set out the ethical basis on which the company does business. This leadership is evidenced by its zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and what the consequences of bribery and corruption are, for its individuals and for the company.


What's changed?

This is the latest Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy dated July 2020.

previous versions

  • None



“Gateway Device” means any equipment containing one or more SIM Card(s) for one or more mobile networks, which enables the routing of calls and/or SMS and/or any other form of communication from fixed apparatus to mobile equipment, by establishing a mobile-to-mobile call or data connection.

“SIM Box” means a device(s) containing one or more SIM Cards for one or more mobile networks and which enable(s) communications to mobile networks, landlines or to generate SMS texts.

You must not establish, install or use a Gateway Device or SIM Box without our prior written consent (including devices tethered via cable, Bluetooth or Wifi, to a computer or the internet, when used for making large volumes of calls, using large volumes of data or sending large volumes of texts). We can withhold our consent for this activity at our absolute discretion.

You must only use equipment or SIM Cards for the purposes advertised, described in any user guides, or as instructed by us.

Gateway Devices/SIM Boxes are specifically prohibited to operate using the The Network. Plan does not agree to provide service to operators of any Gateway Devices/SIM Boxes. Where they are found to operate, Plan is entitled to and will take immediate steps to withdraw service, on the basis that their continued operation effectively puts Plan and The Network in breach of its Conditions of Entitlement.


Using equipment or SIM cards other than as intended. For example, using your SIM card provided for mobile phones services in a modem instead of a mobile phone or tablet without our prior written consent.

Using our SMS service to send mass notification messages, or mass marketing messages, whether or not the messages are unsolicited, without our prior written consent.

Using equipment to generate Artificially Inflated Traffic or in a way which may harm our Network and/or affect the experience of other customers without our prior written consent. “Artificially Inflated Traffic” means calls, data or texts that result in patterns that are disproportionate to the overall type, amount, duration and/or extent of calls, data or texts which would be expected from good faith usage of our Network or Services.

MONITORING AND GOVERNANCE will monitor the use of its Networks to establish where Gateway Devices/SIM Boxes operate. will keep a register of Gateway Devices/SIM Boxes that operate on its Network and those that have operated on its network within the previous twelve months that it has been able to identify. This will be used to establish the volume of traffic passing through Gateway Devices / SIM Boxes and the trend in their usage.

CONSEQUENCES OF CONNECTING GATEWAY DEVICES OR SIM BOXES does not agree to provide service to operators of any Gateway Devices/SIM Boxes. Where they are found to operate, is entitled to and will take immediate steps to withdraw service, on the basis that their continued operation effectively puts and the Network in breach of its regulatory obligations.


What's changed?

This is the latest SIM Gateway Policy dated December 2022.

We’ve updated the following elements:

  •  To provide clearer (more up-to-date and relevant) definitions of Gateways and SIM boxes.
  • Included a ‘What to avoid’ section to reinforce the understanding of this policy through real-world examples.

previous versions


At, we work hard to make sure that things run as smoothly as possible for our customers.

We take complaints very seriously and, if you’re not completely satisfied with the service you have received, we have a formal complaints procedure in place to ensure we address the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for or are unhappy with any part of our service, please tell us. Your complaints give us a chance to put things right and means we can improve our service to you and our customers in future.

How to get in touch

If you want to make a complaint you can contact us using one of the methods outlined below. Regardless of how you contact us, please make sure you include as much detail as possible, including your name, the name of the business, account number or the telephone number of the service you are making a complaint about

If you can’t raise a complaint yourself, you can ask someone with access to your information to do it on your behalf. If you’d like a free paper copy of this Complaints Code, you can request one at any time. You may also request for a copy in braille, large print or audio CD as required.

By email

Send us an email with the full details of your complaint to

By Telephone

From the UK: please call 03300 88 18 18

From abroad: please call +44 3300 88 18 18

Please note, all calls are recorded for quality and training purposes. Calls are free from mobiles (including when roaming), from landlines and from VoIP phones. Calls may be charged from mobiles on other networks.

By Post

Send us a letter with the full details of your complaint to: Complaints Department
Room 8, Crown House
2 Southampton Road
BH24 1HY

or: Complaints Department
No.5 Victoria Street,
Isle of Man, IM1 2LR

What we will do

Once we receive your complaint, we will register it on our systems and send you an acknowledgement within 2 working days with a unique reference number that will then be used throughout the process.

One of our team will use the details you have provided to investigate the matter and we will try to identify how best to resolve any issue.

We aim to respond to your complaint within 10 working days, however, some issues need further investigation and as a result, require extra time.

We will endeavour to keep you informed if it takes any longer and if it does we will update you every 10 working days.

When we respond we will set out our understanding of the issue and any proposed resolution. If you are happy with the proposed resolution, we will mark the complaint as closed.

We can only close your complaint if you have confirmed you are happy that your issue has been satisfactorily resolved. Alternatively, we will also mark your complaint as resolved if you do not respond to us for 28 days or more.

If you are still unhappy

If after we have proposed a further resolution, you are still not happy, you can escalate your complaint to a Team Leader.

The Team Leader will undertake a second review and consider whether there is any alternative resolution possible.

If after the Team Leader has notified you of their conclusion, you feel you are still not happy, we will inform you of your rights to take your complaint to the ADR Scheme (details below).

Alternative Dispute Resolution If either (i) eight weeks have passed from the date we received your complaint; (ii) or we have reached a point where we can no longer find a resolution that works for both parties, we will inform you of your rights to take the unresolved complaint to Communications Ombudsman, who is the Alternative Dispute Resolution Scheme to which we are registered.

Communications Ombudsman

This service is free of charge and we are bound to comply with the decisions of that scheme.

You can contact the Ombudsman directly at:

Communications Ombudsman
PO Box 730

Phone: 0330 440 1614

Fax: 0330 440 1615

Textphone: 0330 440 1600



What's changed?

This is the latest Complaint Resolution Procedure dated July 2023.

previous versions

  • None


Summary is fully committed to the prevention of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking and will not tolerate or condone any such identified act within our operations or supply chains.

In accordance with the 2015 Modern Slavery Act, this statement sets out the steps we’ve undertaken as a business in the prevention of Modern Slavery or Human Trafficking within our operations or supply chains.

We’re committed to fulfilling our obligations under the Modern Slavery Act and to continue using our influence to increase transparency on this issue to protect vulnerable workers and prevent human rights violations.

We do not tolerate forced labour, child labour, threats, coercion, abuse, violence or intimidation among our employees or in our supply chain.

We believe Modern Slavery risks are very low within our direct operations. However, Modern Slavery risks potentially exist in our global supply chain and this is where we will focus our efforts. We have not, as yet, found any evidence of Modern Slavery in our global supply chain.


Modern Slavery is a growing problem globally, more prevalent in some geographies and sectors than others. However, we realise that no sector or industry is exempt from this crime. Modern Slavery takes many forms including:

  • Forced labour – forced to work under the threat of some form of punishment.
  • Debt bondage or bonded labour – when a person is forced to work to pay off a debt or other obligation. The world’s most widespread form of slavery.
  • Human trafficking – transporting, recruiting people for exploitation, using coercion.
  • Descent-based slavery – people born into slavery because their parents or other family members are / were enslaved.
  • Child slavery – Not just child labour but child trafficking, child soldiers, child domestic slavery or child marriage.

Organisational Structure is the commercial brand of Plan Communications Limited, a privately-owned telecommunications and software solutions business headquartered in Douglas, Isle of Man. supplies a diverse range of Communication and IT Solutions for businesses customers in the UK, including small businesses, large businesses, governments and charities. Our work is conducted solely in the United Kingdom and the Isle of Man and is delivered by a workforce all of whom are fully eligible to work within the United Kingdom or the Isle of Man.

Supply Chain

The products and services provided by require a global supply chain. Although we chiefly contract with UK-based businesses (or UK subsidiaries of foreign businesses), contract fulfilment may be undertaken across the globe and there will be workers in Asia, Europe and North America working to deliver contracts.

We consider that any exposure to the risk of Modern Slavery or Human Trafficking is extremely low and that should any risk exist it is most likely to be within the extended Supply Chain, nevertheless we review our supply chains to ensure the potential for slavery and human trafficking is reduced.

We work closely with members of our Supply Chain in the identification of such risk to ensure it is addressed appropriately.

We tell the companies we do business with that we are not prepared to accept any form of exploitation.

Our Terms and Conditions of Business contain an anti-slavery clause. This clause prohibits suppliers and their employees from engaging in slavery or human trafficking if they want to do business with us.

Modern Slavery Policies has implemented a comprehensive policy in respect of the prevention of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. This policy details our approach to the prevention of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking, along with the processes used to support and deliver our commitment. This policy and commitment have been communicated to our employees for their information and action.

We operate a risk-based approach to the identification of Slavery and Human Trafficking the principle of which is based in the location of the product or service, industry sector, supplier relationships, and existing data held supported by additional information guidance obtained.

Identification of Risk’s Supply Chain is primarily UK based, we have instigated a risk assessment of supply chain activities to identify and prioritise any areas where we can add most leverage in respect of the prevention of Modern Slavery.’s policy of direct employment if supported by robust processes, which ensures that an individual’s identity is confirmed by the employing group company and they have a legitimate right to work in the United Kingdom of Isle of Man.

This policy and the right to work checks undertaken to minimise the risk of employing forced labour or those who may be subject to human trafficking.

We take the following actions when recruiting:

Recruiting Directly

  1. We always ensure all staff have a written contract of employment and that they have not had to pay any direct or indirect fees to obtain work;
  2. We always ensure staff are legally able to work in the country in which they are recruited;
  3. We check the names and addresses of our staff (a number of people listing the same address may indicate high shared occupancy, often a factor for those being exploited);
  4. We provide information to all new recruits on their statutory rights including sick pay, holiday pay and any other benefits they may be entitled to;
  5. If, through our recruitment process, we suspect someone is being exploited, the HR Department will follow our reporting procedures; and
  6. We conduct due diligence checks on any recruitment agency that we use to ensure that it is reputable and conducts appropriate checks on all staff that they supply to us.
  7. If, through our recruitment process, we suspect someone is being exploited, we will follow our reporting procedures

Recruitment using agencies follows firm policy and only uses agreed specified reputable recruitment agencies.

To ensure the potential for slavery and human trafficking is reduced as far as possible, we thoroughly check recruitment agencies before adding them to our list of approved agencies. This includes:

  1. conducting background checks
  2. investigating reputation
  3. ensuring the staff it provides have the appropriate paperwork (e.g. work visas)
  4. as appropriate, ensuring the agency provides assurances that the appropriate checks have been made on the person they are supplying

We keep agents on the list under regular review.

Risk assessment

As a software and connectivity provider that sells only to UK business customers, neither our sector nor our operating location are areas of high risk. However, we do procure product and services from areas of heightened risk.


Assessment: very low

Our people are key to the success of our business, so we invest heavily to make a workplace of choice. We believe employee diversity and inclusion and the different perspectives it brings gives us a competitive advantage. 

We treat all people fairly and impartially, without prejudices related to race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, political affiliation, disability or family responsibilities and we set our pay and rewards packages to attract the market’s best talent.

We recruit and manage employees against a range of policies designed to create a unique and diverse environment. Our supportive policies such as maternity, paternity, adoption leave and flexible working make accessible to all.

Internal employee engagement surveys as well as external reference points, such as awards, show that is a workplace of choice. We therefore perceive internal risks to be very low. has featured in the Sunday Times Top 100 Best Places to Work  for the last four years. In 2021 we reached 2nd Best Mid-Sized Company & Number 1 Telecoms Company  To Work For.


Assessment – heightened

Modern Slavery risks are heightened in labour intensive and/or under-regulated industries, and geographies. Sector and location is therefore a means to identify areas of heightened risk. has a small number of non-domestic suppliers that operate in both at-risk sectors and at-risk geographies. We believe this is where our only significant risk may reside. We have therefore targeted these areas with due diligence activities.

Due Diligence

Our risk-based approach to due diligence considers both the nature of the supplier activity and its location. Labour intensive activities in at-risk regions, i.e. regions identified as high risk by external bodies (such as the Global Slavery Index) are where we focus our attention. Suppliers employing migrant workforces are a particular target as we know that these individuals are vulnerable to exploitation.

Domestic (UK Based) due diligence 

Here we target activities in at-risk sectors. This focus has led us to consider:

Catering, security and cleaning services, which we procure only on an ad hoc basis when running events.

Construction services, we are building a new office in Douglas, Isle of Man for which we use a local and reputable construction company who subcontracts certain services.

Non-domestic suppliers 

Non-domestic suppliers in at-risk geographies have included suppliers involved directly and indirectly in supplying devices, software and services. It’s in these global supply chains where we believe the greatest risk of Modern Slavery and human trafficking resides and this is where the majority of our due diligence efforts have been focused. Due diligence may be conducted before contracts are signed with suppliers and during a contract’s term.

We have at our disposal a variety of due diligence approaches, out activities to date include:

  • The development and implementation of the policy and procedures in respect of the prevention of Modern Slavery
  • The communication of our policies and procedures
  • Policy and process reviews.
  • On-site audits by, including private interviews with workers.
  • Audits by competent third parties.
  • Training, governance and reporting.

Communication and Training’s commitment to the prevention of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking emanates directly from our Board of Directors. Their leadership and commitment to this important social issue have been communicated both internally to employees and externally to subcontractors and supply chain partners

All employees who have direct responsibility and involvement for the engagement of workers and for dealing with supply chain matters have received appropriate levels of training in these issues.

All employees of must complete a training course on the Modern Slavery Act 2015 on induction and annually thereafter.


Our board is responsible for approving and monitoring our commitments to upholding the principles of the Modern Slavery Act 2015

Reporting any concerns

We encourage anyone with concerns about Modern Slavery relating to or our supply chain to email This facility allows suppliers and members of the public to ask questions, make suggestions, report incidents, or lodge complaints.

We also support employees when faced with ethical dilemmas. Our approach is designed to encourage a culture of honesty and openness whereby our people are confident to raise matters that may be of a concern to them.

Employees with any concern are also requested to contact our Compliance Manager in confidence via email to

Looking ahead

We will continue to integrate Modern Slavery risk management into our routine sustainability management approach. We will also look at means to grow the level and depth of our supply chain due diligence.


What's changed?

This is the latest Modern Slavery Policy dated 8th July 2021.

previous versions


In our Code of Practice, you will find details about us, the services we offer and how to contact us. Our Code of Practice will tell you about your rights both as a, and as a UK, customer as well as your responsibilities when joining us.

We will always endeavour to deliver the highest levels of care and service possible. As a valued customer you deserve and should expect no less – so this code is provided to confirm our commitment both to you and to the pursuit of excellence. We are also legally required to provide certain information to meet the requirements of the communications regulator, Ofcom, and that will also be contained within this code.

Our Code of Practice can be found on our website, and copies can be obtained by contacting Customer Services.

Who we are and what we do is the commercial brand of Plan Communications Limited, a privately-owned telecommunications and software solutions business headquartered in Douglas, Isle of Man. supplies a diverse range of Communication and IT Solutions for businesses customers in the UK, including small businesses, large businesses, governments and charities.

We utilise 4G and 3G mobile communications, offering voice, text, data and mobile internet services. We also provide VOIP, IOT and broadband services supported by proprietary software solutions.

Our commitment to you

Customer Services

We want to provide the highest levels of customer service – if for any reason you feel we are not doing so, please let us know so that we can change that for you. We will take all comments on board and do all we can to improve, and perfect, our support to you and all our customers. Without your input and feedback, we have no way to do so – you are the most important members of the Plan family.

Contacting us is easy and convenient:


You’ll find lots of useful information about us and our services at

By phone

From the UK: 03300 88 18 18

From abroad: +44 3300 88 18 18

Phone support hours

Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm and 8am to 5pm during the weekend

By email

By post

Plan Communications Limited
No.5 Victoria Street,
Isle of Man, IM1 2LR

Our tariffs and packages aims to provide the most competitive and attractive mobile options available to UK businesses and as such we offer a flexible approach to tariffs.

Unlike most other networks, we do not offer any ’fixed’ tariffs – we will work with you and look at your recent usage to allow us to tailor the perfect tariff for you, taking your needs and usage as the base we work from. Our aim is to provide you with the perfect price plan.

We also offer fixed line, mobile Internet and cloud services to further support your needs – we want you to have an all in one solution for your communication needs – and will do all we can to make us your perfect communications partner.

Your mobile number

When you move to, you will probably want to bring your existing mobile phone number to us to enable all your contacts to continue using that same number. This is a very simple process.

Contact your current service provider and ask for a PAC (Port Authorisation Code) for your number. This may be given to you by telephone or in writing.

Once you have your PAC, please provide it to us, or your supplying partner, and we will organise the move of number for you. You need do no more, we will handle the entire process for you. There will be minimal loss of service during the move, the number will simply switch, and we will advise you of the day this will happen to allow you to be ready.

If you are a customer and you want to take your number to another service provider, please call us and ask for a PAC. Providing you are no longer within the minimum term period of your service agreement, your PAC will be issued and is valid for 28 days. You’ll need to pass the PAC to your new service provider to move your number to that network. To request your PAC please visit or call us on +44(0)3300 88 18 18. Your PAC will be valid for 30 days and if you don’t use your PAC within those 30 days, you will continue to receive services from

Keeping you informed

Your personal information will only be used in accordance with the Privacy Policy and UK data protection and privacy laws.

By agreeing to the terms of our Privacy Policy, you allow us to collect information about how, when and where you use our services. With your consent, we may from time to time contact you for marketing purposes and share your information with members of the Plan group only. We will not share your details with anyone else without your full permission.

If you have so authorised us, we may add your name, address and telephone number in a publicly available directory enquiry service and directories operated by us or by a licensed third-party operator.

For further information, answers to queries or full details of the Privacy Policy, please send an email to or write to:

Data Controller
Plan Communications Limited
No.5 Victoria Street,
Isle of Man, IM1 2LR

Equipment issues, insurance and returns

Your hardware is likely to have been supplied by the partner that brought you onboard with

If you experience any equipment issues, have any insurance or returns queries it is best to speak to them directly and they will be able to assist you further.

If you are eligible to return your equipment, then it must be returned to the dealer you bought it from.

Please note:

  1. We may charge you for any of our Plan Services you’ve used at our standard rates set out in our price guide;
  2. We won’t offer a refund on any payment made for service or any remaining unused credit
  3. You must not have used the equipment for more than 2 days in total.
  4. The equipment (together with any documentation or other accessories contained in the box) must be returned to the retailer you bought it from within 7 days, in “as new” or “as sold” condition and in its original box – in accordance with the conditions which apply to all equipment returns.

Our network

We will do all we can to maintain the integrity of the network, but there may be occasions where services could be unavoidably interrupted or fail to function due to a fault or failure that affects the network by reasons outside our control. There may also be instances where service has to be stopped for a short period for essential maintenance of improvements and/or upgrades to be carried out. We will try to warn you if we think you will be affected and keep these periods as short as possible.

Emergency services

You can make free calls to emergency services from your mobile. When you’re outside of coverage on our network, your phone will try to locate another mobile network so that you can make emergency calls. Emergency service calls cannot be made using any data or VoIP services or applications you may have on your Plan mobile device(s).

The small print

Your contract and tariff will have a minimum term during which time you are committed to remain connected to until the expiry of that minimum term. reserves the right to terminate any services to a customer at any time if a customer fails to pay money owed to, breaches’s Terms and Conditions or uses the services for any illegal or improper reasons.

In the event of termination for the above reasons, you are expected to pay any current outstanding sums owed, along with any sums due to the end of the minimum term of the contract.

When joining, you must read and agree to our Terms & Conditions of services. You will receive the required details from your partner and copies can be obtained via

About this Code

Should you have any questions or concerns about our compliance with this code, please write to us at:

Plan Communications Limited
No.5 Victoria Street,
Isle of Man, IM1 2LR

Or email your question to


What's changed?

This is the latest Code of Practice Policy dated July 2020.

previous versions

  • None


Plan Communications Limited like all other UK communications providers are regulated under Ofcom’s General Conditions of Entitlement. These regulations apply to anyone who provides an electronic communication service or an electronic communications network.

More specifically, General Condition C7 regulates how communications providers are able to market and sell fixed-line telephony services to customers. For full details of General Condition C7 see below:

  • C7.1 The provisions of this Condition apply as follows:
    • (a) Conditions C7.3 – C7.15 apply to any Communications Provider which provides Fixedline Telecommunications Services and/or DSL Broadband Services to Switching customers when a Communications Provider Migration is taking place within Openreach’s or KCOM’s Access Network; and
    • (b) Conditions C7.16 – C7.20 apply to any Communications Provider which provides Fixedline Telecommunications Services and/or DSL Broadband Services to Switching Customers when a Migration is taking place within Openreach’s or KCOM’s Access
  • C7.2 For the purposes of this Condition:
    • (a) any such Communications Provider is a ‘Regulated Provider’; and
    • (b) any such Fixed-line Telecommunications Services and/or DSL Broadband Services are ‘Relevant Communications Services’.
Obligations to prevent mis-selling
  • C7.3 When selling or marketing Relevant Communications Services, the Regulated Provider that is the Gaining Provider must ensure that:
    • (a) it does not engage in Slamming;
    • (b) any information it provides to the Switching Customer is accurate and not misleading, including information about:
      • i. its Relevant Communications Services;
      • ii. the impact on other Relevant Communications Services which the Switching customer is currently receiving, as a result of buying the Relevant Communications Services being sold or marketed by the Gaining Provider; and
      • iii. the impact on the Switching Customer’s existing contractual obligations with other Regulated Providers, as a result of buying the Relevant Communications Services being sold or marketed by the Gaining Provider; and
    • (c) it asks Switching Customers if they also want the information provided in a Durable Medium and, if they do, the Regulated Provider must provide the information in that form.
Information at point of sale
  • C7.4 The Regulated Provider that is the Gaining Provider must take all reasonable steps to ensure that before entering into a contract for the provision of Relevant Communications Services, the Switching Customer who is requesting a Communications Provider Migration:
    • (a) is authorised to do so;
    • (b) intends to enter into the contract; and
    • (c) is provided with the information set out below in a clear, comprehensible, prominent and accurate manner, in paper or another Durable Medium which is available or accessible to the Switching Customer or, where the Switching Customer enters into the contract during a sales call, by telephone:
      • i. the identity of the legal entity the Switching Customer is contracting with and its telephone, website and/or e-mail contact details; and
      • ii. a description of the Relevant Communications Services requested; the key charges; payment terms; the existence of any termination right, termination procedures and the Switching Customer’s right to cancel at no cost from the point of sale to the completion of the Transfer Period; the arrangements for provision of the service, including the order process and, as accurately as possible, the likely date of provision of the service and any Fixed Commitment Period. For the purposes of this provision, key charges include minimum contract charges, any Early Termination Charges and, if the Switching Customer is a Consumer, the Access Charge to be applied by the Regulated Provider for the purpose of calculating the amounts payable by that Switching Customer for calls to Unbundled Tariff Numbers in accordance with Condition B1.
Switching customer’s termination rights
  • C7.5 Where the Regulated Provider is the Gaining Provider:
    • (a) when the Switching Customer enters into a contract for the provision of Relevant Communications Services, the Regulated Provider must allow the Switching Customer to terminate the contract from the point of sale to the completion of the Transfer Period without charge or any other form of compensation being required to be given by the Switching Customer to the Regulated Provider; and
    • (b) the Regulated Provider must have procedures in place to enable the Switching Customer to exercise their right to terminate their contract pursuant to Condition C7.5 without unreasonable effort. These procedures must include the ability to contact the Regulated Provider to terminate the contract by any of the following contact methods:
      • i. telephone;
      • ii. e-mail;
      • iii. post.
Records retention
  • C7.6 Without prejudice to Condition C7.7, the Regulated Provider that is the Gaining Provider must use reasonable endeavours to create and keep all records regarding the sale of its Relevant Communications Services, for a period of not less than six months. Such records must include the date and approximate time of the contact with the Switching Customer, the means through which the contract was entered into, the place where the contract was entered into, where relevant, and be such as to allow subsequent identification of the salesperson(s) involved and to assist in dealing with any complaint or query.
Record of consent
  • C7.7 For each contract entered into with a Switching Customer for the provision of Relevant Communications Services, the Regulated Provider that is the Gaining Provider must create and keep individually retrievable records of the following, for a period of not less than twelve months:
    • (a) a direct record of consent, as provided by the Switching Customer, to:
      • i. migrate from the Relevant Communications Services supplied by the Regulated Provider that is the Losing Provider to the Relevant Communications Services supplied by the Gaining Provider; or, as relevant,
      • ii. begin acquiring Relevant Communications Services over the Target Line;
    • (b) a record of the explanation from the Regulated Provider that they are required to create a record of the Switching Customer’s consent;
    • (c) the name and address of the Switching Customer;
    • (d) the time, date and means by which the consent in sub-section (a) above was given;
    • (e) where appropriate, the place where the consent in sub-section (a) above was given and the salesperson(s) involved;
    • (f) the Target Address; and
    • (g) where appropriate, the Calling Line Identification of the Target Line.
  • C7.8 The Regulated Provider that is the Gaining Provider shall keep the records in accordance with Condition C7.7 irrespective of whether the contract for the provision of the Relevant Communications Services is cancelled or terminated within the minimum twelve-month period specified in Condition C7.7.
Notification letters
  • C7.9 When a Switching Customer enters into a contract for the provision of Relevant Communications Services, the Regulated Provider that is the Gaining Provider must send that Switching Customer a letter. The letter shall set out in clear and intelligible terms:
    • (a) the date of the letter;
    • (b) that the Switching Customer is transferring their Relevant Communications Services;
    • (c) all Relevant Communications Services that will be transferred;
    • (d) where relevant, the Calling Line Identification of all Relevant Communications Services that will be transferred;
    • (e) a reasonable estimate of the Migration Date;
    • (f) the right of the Switching Customer to terminate the contract as set out in Condition C7.5, the means by which the right to terminate can be exercised and the date by which the right to terminate must be exercised; and
    • (g) relevant contact details.
  • C7.10 The Regulated Provider that is the Losing Provider must, in accordance with the industry agreed process, send the Switching Customer a letter. The letter shall set out in clear, intelligible and neutral terms:
    • (a) the date of the letter;
    • (b) that the Switching Customer is transferring their Relevant Communications Services;
    • (c) all Relevant Communications Services that will be transferred;
    • (d) where relevant, the Calling Line Identification of all Relevant Communications Services that will be transferred;
    • (e) all Relevant Communications Services or other types of services provided by the Losing Provider that the Losing Provider reasonably expects to be directly or indirectly affected by the transfer;
    • (f) all Relevant Communications Services provided by the Losing Provider that the Losing Provider reasonably expects to remain unaffected by the transfer;
    • (g) a reasonable estimate of the Migration Date; and
    • (h) relevant contact details.
  • C7.11 Where a contract is entered into with a Switching Customer for the provision of Relevant Communications Services, the letter sent by the Regulated Provider that is the Losing Provider in accordance with Condition C7.10 shall, in addition to the information listed therein, set out in clear, intelligible and neutral terms:
    • (a) an explanation that the transfer will automatically take effect on the Migration Date and that no contact is required with the Regulated Provider that is the Losing Provider to cancel their existing service;
    • (b) an explanation that after the transfer, the Switching Customer will receive a final Bill including any Early Termination Charge that is due;
    • (c) an explanation of the applicable Early Termination Charge as set out in the contract;
    • (d) the means by which the Early Termination Charge must be paid;
    • (e) the amount of the Early Termination Charge due at the estimated Migration Date; and
    • (f) where applicable, the impact of the transfer on the prices of all continuing Relevant Communications Services.
  • C7.12 The letters under Conditions C7.9 to C7.11 must be sent in paper or another Durable Medium. Such letters must be sent by normal post, unless the Switching Customer has explicitly agreed to receive correspondence electronically, such as through verbal consent in a call or through electronic confirmation when ordering online.
Simultaneous transfers
  • C7.13 Where the Regulated Provider is a Gaining Provider which elects to co-ordinate a Communications Provider Migration on behalf of a Switching Customer who has requested a transfer of Broadband and Fixed-line Telecommunications Services to be provided by it over the same line, it shall ensure that, as applicable, an order is submitted to Openreach or to KCOM, where available, for the simultaneous transfer with minimal loss of service of both Relevant Communications Services.
  • C7.14 Where the Regulated Provider is a Gaining Provider which elects to co-ordinate a Communications Provider Migration, on behalf of a Switching Customer, and which does not involve a change of the location where the Relevant Communications Services are supplied:
    • (a) both the Gaining Provider and the Regulated Provider that is the Losing Provider shall comply with the provisions of Annex 1 to this Condition;
    • (b) both the Gaining Provider and the Regulated Provider that is the Losing Provider shall ensure that the Switching Customer is not required to make contact with the Losing Provider in order for a Communications Provider Migration to be put into effect;
    • (c) the Regulated Provider that is the Losing Provider shall not require, in particular, the granting of consent by it, nor the provision of any information by it to the Switching Customer, in order for a Communications Provider Migration to be put into effect.
  • C7.15 Where the Regulated Provider is a Gaining Provider which elects to carry out a Working Line Takeover within Openreach’s or KCOM’s Access Network (as applicable) pursuant to a Home-Move Request, it shall comply with the provisions of Annex 2 to this Condition.
Other migrations of broadband services
  • C7.16 In relation to Migrations of DSL Broadband Services not falling within the scope of Condition C7.14, Regulated Providers shall:
    • (a) facilitate the Migration (or where applicable, connection) of the DSL Broadband Service in a manner that is fair and reasonable;
    • (b) ensure that the Migration (or where applicable, connection) of the DSL Broadband Service is carried out within a reasonable period; and
    • (c) ensure that the Migration (or where applicable, connection) of the DSL Broadband Service is carried out with minimal loss of the DSL Broadband Service.

General requirements

  • C7.17 Where Regulated Providers engage representatives or agents, they shall procure that such representatives or agents comply with the requirements of this Condition.
  • C7.18 Regulated Providers must ensure that their staff or any representatives of any agency engaged by them, are appropriately trained to comply with this Condition.
  • C7.19 Regulated Providers must monitor, including conducting regular audits, their compliance with this Condition, including compliance on their behalf by any representatives or agency engaged by them, and take appropriate steps to prevent the recurrence of any problem(s) identified.
Publication of information
  • C7.20 Regulated Providers must:
    • (a) publish a copy of Condition C7, or a link to a copy of Condition C7, published on Ofcom’s website, in an easily accessible and reasonably prominent manner on their website or, where there is no such website, in such manner and form as directed by Ofcom; and
    • (b) provide a copy of Condition C7 to the Switching Customer free of charge upon reasonable request.

Annex 1 to Condition C7 – [See Condition C7.14(a)]

Notification of transfer
  1. Where a Gaining Provider elects to co-ordinate a Communications Provider Migration on behalf of a Switching Customer who has requested to transfer to a Relevant Communications Service supplied by it, that Gaining Provider shall, within a reasonable time, ensure a Transfer Order is placed.
  2. The Losing Provider shall only be permitted to use Cancel Other in the following circumstances:
    • (a) where Slamming has occurred;
    • (b) at the Switching Customer’s request, where the Gaining Provider has failed to cancel the Transfer Order after being directed by the Customer to do so (‘Failure to Cancel’);
    • (c) where the telephone line is or will be, ceased during the Transfer Period (‘Line Cease’);
    • (d) for other specified reasons not related to a Switching Customer’s request to cancel a transfer, as agreed by the relevant industry forum and approved by Ofcom; and
    • (e) in such other circumstances as directed by Ofcom.
  3. Before using Cancel Other in cases of Slamming and/or Failure to Cancel, the Losing Provider shall take reasonable steps to establish that Slamming and/or Failure to Cancel has actually taken place.
  4. After using Cancel Other, the Losing Provider shall confirm the cancellation of the order by Durable Medium to the Switching Customer, unless this is not possible or appropriate, including where the Switching Customer is deceased.
  5. The Losing Provider shall record its reasons for using Cancel Other in each case, selecting the appropriate reason code from a list corresponding to permitted use of Cancel Other and consistent with one of the circumstances (a) to (d) set out below, as agreed by the industry and approved by Ofcom:
    • (a) where the Switching Customer has never contacted, or has never been contacted by, the Gaining Provider;
    • (b) where the Switching Customer has contacted, or has been contacted by, the Gaining Provider, but has not given the Gaining Provider authorisation to transfer some or all of their Relevant Communications Services;
    • (c) where the Switching Customer has agreed to purchase a product or service from the Gaining Provider and the Gaining Provider has submitted an order for a different product or service which the Switching Customer has not agreed to purchase; or
    • (d) where the Switching Customer has agreed to transfer some or all of their Relevant Communications Services to the Gaining Provider having understood as a result of a deliberate attempt by the Gaining Provider to mislead, that they are making an agreement with a different Regulated Provider.

Annex 2 to Condition C7 – [See Condition C7.15]

Working line takeovers
  • 1. Subject to paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Annex, where a Regulated Provider that is a Gaining Provider elects to carry out a Working Line Takeover pursuant to a Home-Move Request that Gaining Provider shall ensure a Working Line Takeover Order is placed.
Asset identification
  • 2. Before a Working Line Takeover Order is placed, a Gaining Provider shall take reasonable steps, having regard to industry best practice, to identify the Target Line.
  • 3. A Gaining Provider may only place a Working Line Takeover Order if it has identified an exact match for the Target Line.
Notification letter
  • 4. After being notified of the Working Line Takeover Order, the Incumbent Communications Provider shall send the Incumbent Switching Customer a letter, in accordance with the industry agreed process, in paper or another Durable Medium, which clearly sets out:
    • (a) the date of the letter;
    • (b) a notification that an Inbound Switching Customer wants to take over the Target Line;
    • (c) all Relevant Communications Services directly affected by the Working Line Takeover;
    • (d) where relevant, the Calling Line Identification of all Relevant Communications Services that are directly affected;
    • (e) the expected Migration Date;
    • (f) that the Incumbent Switching Customer should notify the Incumbent Communications Provider if that Incumbent Switching Customer is not moving out of the Target Address or expects to move at a later date than the expected Migration Date; and
    • (g) the relevant contact details.
  • 5. The letter must be sent by post, unless the Switching Customer has explicitly agreed to receive correspondence electronically, such as through verbal consent in a call or through electronic confirmation when ordering online.


What's changed?

This is the latest Ofcom C7 Policy Guide dated June 2020.

previous versions

  • None


Plan Communications Limited like all other UK communications providers are regulated under Ofcom’s General Conditions of Entitlement. These regulations apply to anyone who provides an electronic communication service or an electronic communications network.

General Condition C8 regulates how communications providers are able to market and sell mobile telephony services to customers. Full details of General Condition C8 please see below:

  • C8.1 This Condition applies to any Communications Provider which provides a Mobile Communications Service to Domestic and Small Business Customers, including any SMS service sold as part of the package, except that Conditions C8.4(b)(iii), C8.5 and C8.7 to
    • C8.11 do not apply to Prepaid Mobile Services and SIM Only Contracts. For the purposes of this Condition:
      • (a) each of these Communications Providers is a ‘Regulated Provider’;
      • (b) any such Mobile Communications Services are ‘Relevant Mobile Services’; and
      • (c) any such Domestic and Small Business Customers are ‘Relevant Customers’.
Obligations to prevent mis-selling
  • C8.2 When selling or marketing Relevant Mobile Services, Regulated Providers must ensure that:
    • (a) any information they provide to Relevant Customers is accurate and not misleading; and
    • (b) they ask Relevant Customers if they also want the information to be provided in a Durable Medium and, if they do, Regulated Providers must provide the information in that form.
Publication of relevant obligations
  • C8.3 Regulated Providers must:
    • (a) publish a comprehensive summary of their obligations under Condition C8 in an easily accessible and reasonably prominent manner on their website or, where there is no such website, in such manner and form as directed by Ofcom; and
    • (b) provide a copy of Condition C8 to a Relevant Customer free of charge upon reasonable request.
Obligation with regards to mobile service retailers
  • C8.4 Where the Regulated Provider contracts with or appoints a Mobile Service Retailer directly in order to sell or market the Regulated Provider’s Relevant Mobile Services it must ensure, and where a third party acting on behalf of the Regulated Provider contracts with or appoints a Mobile Service Retailer in order to sell or market the Regulated Provider’s Relevant Mobile Services, the Regulated Provider must use reasonable endeavours to ensure, that:
    • (a) the Mobile Service Retailer is aware of Condition C8;
    • (b) provisions are in place which require the Mobile Service Retailer to ensure that:
      • i. any information it provides to Relevant Customers is accurate and not misleading;
      • ii. it asks Relevant Customers if they also want the information to be provided in a Durable Medium and, if they do, the Mobile Service Retailer must provide the information in that form; and
      • iii. it creates and keeps records about the sale of the Regulated Provider’s Relevant Mobile Services for a period of not less than six months and, where applicable, about a related sales incentive as referred to in Condition C8.11, for a period of not less than ninety days after the date by which this sales incentive has to be fully redeemed, but not less than six months;
    • (c) the Regulated Provider monitors the Mobile Service Retailer’s compliance with the provisions referred to in Condition C8.4(b); and
    • (d) non-compliance by the Mobile Service Retailer with the provisions referred to in Condition C8.4(b) is appropriately sanctioned by the Regulated Provider.
Relevant mobile service – information at point of sale
  • C8.5 Regulated Providers must use reasonable endeavours to ensure that before entering into or amending a contract for a Relevant Mobile Service, a Relevant Customer:
    • (a) is authorised to do so;
    • (b) intends to enter into this contract; and
    • (c) is provided with the information set out below in a clear, comprehensible and accurate manner in a Durable Medium which is available or accessible to the Relevant Customer or, where the Relevant Customer enters into or amends the contract during a sales call, by telephone:
      • i. the identity of the legal entity the Relevant Customer is contracting with; its address and telephone, fax and/or e-mail contact details; and
      • ii. a description of the Relevant Mobile Service; the key charges; payment terms; the existence of any termination right, including termination procedures; the likely date the Relevant Mobile Service will be provided, in case the provision of the Relevant Mobile Service is not immediate; and any Fixed Commitment Period. For the purposes of this provision, key charges include minimum contract charges, any Early Termination Charges and, if the Relevant Customer is a Consumer, the Access Charge to be applied by the Regulated Provider for the purpose of calculating the amounts payable by that Relevant Customer for calls to Unbundled Tariff Numbers in accordance with Condition B1.

Where the Relevant Customer enters into a contract during a sales call, in addition to the oral provision of this information the Regulated Provider must use reasonable endeavours to ensure that this information is sent to the Relevant Customer in good time following the call in a Durable Medium.

Provision of relevant mobile services
  • C8.6 Regulated Providers must ensure that the Relevant Mobile Services that they have contracted with each Relevant Customer to provide are available to each Relevant Customer to receive.
Records retention
  • C8.7 Where the Regulated Provider acts as a Mobile Service Retailer, it must create and keep records about the sale of its Relevant Mobile Services for a period of not less than six months and, where applicable, about a related sales incentive as referred to in Condition, for a period of not less than ninety days after the date by which this sales incentive has to be fully redeemed, but not less than six months. Such records must include the date of the sale, the means through which the contract was entered into and the place where the contract was entered into, where applicable.
  • C8.8 Regulated Providers must use reasonable endeavours to ensure that processes are in place which ensure that a Mobile Service Retailer is appropriately trained to comply with Condition C8.
Due diligence
  • C8.9 Where the Regulated Provider contracts with or appoints a Mobile Service Retailer directly in order to sell or market the Regulated Provider’s Relevant Mobile Services it must ensure that, and where a third party acting on behalf of the Regulated Provider contracts with or appoints a Mobile Service Retailer in order to sell or market the Regulated Provider’s relevant Mobile Services the Regulated Provider must use reasonable endeavours to ensure that, it, or a person acting on its behalf, carries out and retains a record of the following minimum procedures with regards to any Mobile Service Retailer, contracted or appointed to sell or market the Regulated Provider’s Relevant Mobile Services:
    • (a) a credit reference search and check that the Mobile Service Retailer does not have a history of failing to meet its financial undertakings to creditors;
    • (b) a check that any director of a Mobile Service Retailer concerned has not been subject to a period of disqualification from acting as a director, or has not been a director of a third party that has filed for bankruptcy or gone into administration; and
    • (c) appropriate checks to ensure that any due diligence information referred to in Condition C8.9 remains up-to-date and relevant.

These procedures must be carried out before contracting with or appointing the Mobile Service Retailer.

Use of information for the purpose of monitoring compliance
  • C8.10 Where a Regulated Provider acquires information from a Mobile Service Retailer for the purpose of monitoring compliance with this Condition, the Regulated Provider shall use that information solely for the purpose for which it was supplied and keep the information confidential. For the avoidance of doubt, the Regulated Provider shall not pass the information on to any other party (including its subsidiaries or partners) for whom such information could provide a competitive advantage.
Sales incentives – information at point of sale
  • C8.11 Regulated Providers must use reasonable endeavours to ensure that where a Mobile Service Retailer offers to a Relevant Customer a sales incentive, from which the Relevant Customer does not benefit immediately and which the Relevant Customer is entitled to receive after entering into the contract for the Relevant Mobile Service, the terms and conditions of such an offer are not unduly restrictive and that a Relevant Customer is provided with the following information in a clear, comprehensible and accurate manner in a Durable Medium or, where the sales incentive offer is made during a sales call, by telephone:
    • (a) the identity of the legal entity which makes the sales incentive offer and undertakes to meet the obligation(s) tied to this offer; its address; and telephone, fax and/or e-mail contact details;
    • (b) a description of the sales incentive itself; and
    • (c) the terms and conditions of the sales incentive, including a detailed and clear explanation as to the process the Relevant Customer has to follow to obtain the sales incentive.
  • C8.12 Where the sales incentive offer is made during a sales call, in addition to the oral provision of this information, the Regulated Provider must use reasonable endeavours to ensure that this information is sent to the Relevant Customer in good time following the call in a Durable Medium.


What's changed?

This is the latest Ofcom C8 Policy Guide dated June 2020.

previous versions

  • None

WEbsite terms of use

1. Definitions

The following definitions apply to these Website Terms of Use:

“Website” means the website located at and any subdomains of this site.

“User” means any person accessing or using the Website.

“We/Us/Our” means Plan Communications Limited and its subsidiaries.

2. Allowed Use and Access of the Website  

  • We grant Users a limited, revocable, non-exclusive license to access and use the Website in accordance with these Terms of Use.
  • Users may access and use the Website temporarily, and we reserve the right to withdraw the Website at any time.
  • We may restrict access to parts of the Website to registered users. Users are responsible for keeping login credentials confidential.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

  • All intellectual property in the Website and its contents, including trademarks, copyrights, patents, and trade secrets, belong to Us or our licensors.
  • Users may not modify, distribute, sell, or exploit Website content without our permission.

4. Information Services 

  • The Website may contain news, events, and other information services. Users rely on this content at their own risk.
  • We make no representations or warranties regarding Information Services. We may change or withdraw Information Services at any time.

5. User Uploads and Submissions 

  • Users may be permitted to submit content to the Website, including posts, uploads, and user-generated content.
  • User submissions must comply with our Use Policy. Users retain ownership of their content but grant us an unrestricted license to use submissions.
  • We may remove or delete any user submissions at our discretion.

6. Disclaimer of Warranties

  • We provide the Website on an “as is” basis, without warranties regarding availability, accuracy, security, or freedom from viruses/errors.
  • To the extent permitted by law, we disclaim any implied warranties, including of fitness for a particular purpose.

7. User Uploads and Submissions 

  • Under no circumstances shall we be liable for any damages or losses arising from or related to use of the Website. Users access and use the Website at their own risk.
  • We hereby disclaim all liability to the fullest extent permitted by law.

8. Indemnity

  • Users shall fully indemnify Us against any damages, losses, or expenses arising from: (a) breach of these Terms; and (b) infringement of third party rights by User content.

9. User Uploads and Submissions 

  • The Website may contain links to third party websites. Linked sites are not under our control, and we are not responsible for their content, links, privacy policies, or practices.
  • We provide links for informational purposes only and make no warranties regarding any external sites. Users access third party links at their own risk and we shall not be liable for any damages arising from use of linked sites.

10. User Uploads and Submissions 

  • These Terms shall be governed by Isle of Man law. The Isle of Man courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Use Policy

1. Definitions

The following definitions apply to this Use Policy:

“Services” means any products, services, equipment, or information provided by Us.
“We/Us/Our” means Plan Communications Limited and its subsidiaries.
“User” means any person using the Services or accessing the Website.

2. Acceptable use

  • Users may only access and use the Services and Website for lawful purposes and in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.
  • Users shall not use the Services or Website in any way that: (a) infringes any third party rights; (b) is offensive, abusive, or defamatory; (c) invades privacy; (d) spreads malware; (e) violates intellectual property rights; or (f) breaches any applicable industry standards or policies.

3. User uploads

  • User submissions to the Website or as part of the Services must comply with our content guidelines and Use Policy.
  • Users warrant that their submissions do not breach any laws or third party rights.

4. Violations of the Use Policy

  • We may suspend User access to the Services for Use Policy violations after providing reasonable notice and opportunity to remedy the violation.
  • Users shall be liable for any damages incurred by Us due to User’s violation of this Policy.
  • We reserve the right to report unlawful use of the Services or Website to appropriate authorities.


What's changed?

This is the latest Website Terms of Use Guide dated June 2020.

previous versions

  • None


What's changed?

This is the latest Cookie Policy Guides dated July 2020.

previous versions

  • None

Accessibility and Vulnerability Policy is committed to providing an excellent quality of service and dedicated to supporting customers who may require additional support


Our aim is to identify customers who may be vulnerable each time they interact with us and to ensure that they receive a consistent approach which considers their circumstances, meets their needs and delivers a great experience.

Whilst it is very difficult to define, Plan Communications Limited is likely to consider someone to be vulnerable when:

“Their personal circumstances and characteristics mean they are significantly more likely than a typical customer to suffer detriment in connection with how Plan Communications Limited deals with them, or where that detriment is likely to be more substantial”.

For the purposes of this policy we consider a vulnerable adult to be a person aged 18 or over who has:

  • A learning or physical disability
  • A physical or mental illness, chronic or otherwise including an addiction to alcohol or drugs
  • A reduction in physical or mental capacity
  • A dependency upon others in the performance of, or a requirement for assistance in the performance of physical functions
  • Severe impairment in the ability to communicate with others
  • Impairment in a person’s ability to protect him or herself from assault or abuse
  • A person deemed not to display the mental capacity to make informed decisions

We also understand that people can experience ‘temporary’ vulnerability due to bereavement, loss of income, accident or injury, for example. is committed to:

  • Ensuring staff are trained appropriately to recognise when a customer may require additional support.
  • The development and implementation of any tool or process to support our customers with any physical, emotional or hardship needs.
  • Implementing a culture of empathic support for any vulnerable customers with difficulties they may be facing in respect of their services provided by

Trained support

At, we are working hard to ensure that vulnerable customers can access support from trained customer services advisers whom have the skills and knowledge needed to help.

Managing your account

If you have a trusted carer, friend or family member who has agreed to help you manage your account, please let us know by calling 03300 88 18 18 or emailing

We will ask both parties to confirm some details and then we can make sure they are recorded as an Authorised User and they can be sent your bills, pay a bill for you and can be set up to act on your behalf.

Alternative Formats

We can provide your contract, mobile phone bill and more in Braille, large print or audio free of charge. If you’d like this service, please contact us using the details below.

Directory Enquiries

If you are unable to read or use a telephone directory due to illness or disability, you can apply for free directory assistance and information by calling BT Directory Assistance on 195.

Once you’ve registered and got your PIN, you’ll be able to register with us.

Relay UK

Relay UK translates text to voice, and voice to text – ideal if you have difficulty hearing or speaking on the phone.

A trained relay assistant will read out your message to the person you’re calling, then type out their reply for you to read. You can use Relay UK through a textphone or the Relay UK app

To access this service please use the following link – or for further information around Text Relay please refer to Ofcom’s guide found here –

“BSL 999” Video Relay Service

As of 17th June 2022, telecoms providers are required to offer a FREE, 24/7, UK-wide Video Relay service for British Sign Language users, to enable them to easily communicate with the emergency services via a dedicated app and website. This Ofcom requirement is in addition to the existing emergency text relay and SMS service, which will remain in place.

How it works:

BSL users can now make a video call using their connected device, which will call an interpreter in an emergency call room. The interpreter will then translate the information being signed by the user, in to spoken English, for the hearing person to hear. The interpreter will then sign what the hearing person is saying, for the deaf user. Please refer to the 999 BSL website for further information:

Emergency texting

EmergencySMS is a UK-wide service that lets deaf, hard of hearing, and speech-impaired people send a text message to 999 emergency services – police, ambulance, fire service or coastguard. It lets you text for help and to receive replies replied from the emergency services.

To use EmergencySMS, you must first register your mobile phone on the EmergencySMS website.

If you need any assistance in registering for this service, please contact us using the details below.


We understand that it is a very difficult time when a loved one passes away. That’s why we are training our staff to support bereaving customers and those who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness should want to talk about the account and how we can help.

The team are open Monday to Friday 8am–6pm and can be contacted using the details below.

Telephone Fault Priority Service

If you depend on your home phone for medical reasons, you may be eligible for our fault priority repair service.

This gives you priority support if a fault puts your phone line out of action or makes it difficult to make or receive calls.

To find out if you’re eligible for Telephone Fault Priority and to register for the service, please contact us using the details below


03300 88 18 18


What's changed?

This is the latest Accessibility and Vulnerability Policy dated June 2022. We’ve updated the following elements:

  • Addition of  the “BSL 999” Video Relay Service

previous versions


(WorldPay Credit Card Payments)

Methods of payment

Plan Communications Limited have chosen WorldPay to manage the processing of payments through our website. WorldPay’s e-commerce solutions are secure and easy to use and trusted by thousands of businesses, big and small, in nearly all parts of the world.

With WorldPay you are provided with a variety of options for payment such as Visa, MasterCard, all the major credit cards and debit cards.

What if my card is refused?

Cards are not refused by Plan Communications Limited but by your bank or card issuer. There could be many reasons this may happen and we suggest you contact your card issuer in the first instance if you incur a problem with your payment being declined.

Refund Policy

For all refunds due to an error in your payment amount please telephone our credit control department on 03300 88 18 18 or email: quoting account number (you can find this on your invoice), company name, contact number and reason for requesting a refund. The accounts department will deal with your query at the earliest possible opportunity.

All refunds are subject to security controls and customers will need to give correct answers to security questions before refunds are made.

All refunds will be credited to the payment card used to make the payment.


What's changed?

This is the latest  Refund Policy dated June 2020.

previous versions

  • None



These terms of use, together with the documents referred to herein, provide the terms of use on which you may use (whether as a guest or a registered user) our my.plan Mobile Application.


The my.plan mobile application (the “Application”) is operated by or on behalf of Plan Communications Holding Limited or by one of our subsidiary companies (together “We” or “Us” or “Our”).

We are registered in the Isle of Man under company number 010273V and Our head office is at No.5 Victoria Street, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2LR. Our VAT number is GB 004-1360-38.


Access to Our Application is permitted on a temporary basis, and we reserve the right to withdraw or amend (i) Our Application; or (ii) the service we provide on Our Application without notice (see below). We will not be liable if for any reason Our Application is unavailable at any time or for any period. From time to time, we may restrict access to Our Application or some parts of Our Application to users who have registered with us.

If you choose, or you are provided with, a user identification code, password or any other piece of information as part of our security procedures, you must treat such information as confidential, and you must not disclose it to any third party. We have the right to disable any user identification code or password, whether chosen by you or allocated by us, at any time, if in our opinion you have failed to comply with the provisions of these Mobile Application Terms of Use.

When using Our Application, you must comply with the provisions of our Use Policy. You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to have access to Our Application. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access Our Application through your internet connection are aware of these Mobile Application Terms of Use, and that they comply with them. We do not warrant or guarantee:

  • that Our Application will be virus or error free; or
  • the accuracy of information provided on Our Application.

Whilst we make all reasonable attempts to exclude viruses and errors from Our Application, we cannot ensure such exclusion and no liability is accepted for viruses or errors. You are therefore recommended to take all appropriate safeguards before downloading information or images from Our Application.

All information, references and other details contained in Our Application are provided in good faith and believed to be correct, but any user intending to act upon information published on Our Application should not rely on them as statements of fact, but must satisfy themselves otherwise as to the correctness of them.


We may provide certain information services on Our Application that includes, but is not limited to location data, mobile data usage, call records, news and events that can be accessed by users by means of Our Application (the “Information Services”).

Reliance on any information provided on Our Application by means of our Information Services or otherwise is done so entirely at the user’s own risk and we accept no responsibility whatsoever and shall not be liable to the user for any direct or indirect loss, including any loss of profit, reputation, goodwill or business, suffered by the user as a result of reliance on such information or otherwise.

We make no representations or warranties, express or implied, on the quality of the content and streaming speed of our Information Services or its availability on any user device or on Our Application.

We reserve the right to change, vary, suspend, replace, discontinue, withdraw or terminate our Information Services or any content on Our Application at our absolute discretion and without prior notice.

For the avoidance of doubt, our provision of the Information Services shall be considered as part of Our Application by means of which it is accessed and so all provisions regarding a user’s access of Our Application in these Mobile Application Terms of Use shall also apply to the provision of the Information Services.


We are the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights that are contained in Our Application and in the material published thereon and in the Information Services. All such rights are reserved.

Any and all proprietary rights, including patent rights, inventions, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets, in and to Our Application shall be and remain with Us and that the user has no rights to modify, transfer, copy, duplicate, reverse engineer, decompile, recreate, retransmit, disseminate, sell, lend, distribute, publish, broadcast, circulate, give, donate or commercially exploit Our Application, with or without charge, or prepare any derivative works with respect to, or disclose confidential information pertaining to, Our Application or any part thereof.

No rights, title or interest in respect of the Application are granted to the user and if and to the extent that, notwithstanding the foregoing sentence, the user obtains or retains an interest in any such rights, title or interest, the User hereby irrevocably assigns and transfers to Us any right, title, or interest that the user has or may have in our Application under copyright, patent, trade secret and trademark law, in perpetuity or for the longest period otherwise permitted by law, without the necessity of further consideration.

You must not use any part of the materials on Our Application for commercial purposes without obtaining a licence to do so from us or our licensors.

If you print off, copy or download any part of Our Application in breach of these Mobile Application Terms of Use, your right to use Our Application will cease immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made.

Resale of any information that is provided on Our Application is expressly forbidden.


Commentary and other materials posted on Our Application or provided by means of the Information Services are not intended to amount to advice on which reliance should be placed. We therefore disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed on such materials by any visitor to Our Application, or by anyone who may be informed of its contents.


We aim to update Our Application regularly and may change the content at any time. If the need arises, we may suspend access to any or all of Our Application, or close it indefinitely. The material on Our Application may be out of date at any given time, and we are under no obligation to update such material.


The material displayed on Our Application is provided without any guarantees, conditions or warranties as to its accuracy. To the extent permitted by law, we, other members of our group of companies, our suppliers, each party that advertises from time to time on Our Application and third parties connected to us hereby expressly exclude:

  • All conditions, warranties and other terms which might otherwise be implied by statute, common law or the law of equity; or
  • Any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred by any user in connection with Our Application or in connection with the use, inability to use, or results of the use of Our Application, any Website linked to Our Application and any materials posted thereon, including, without limitation any liability for:
    • loss of income or revenue;
    • loss of business;
    • loss of profits or contracts;
    • loss of anticipated savings;
    • loss of data;
    • loss of goodwill;
    • wasted management or office time; and
    • for any other loss or damage of any kind, however arising and whether caused by tort (including negligence), breach of contract or otherwise, even if foreseeable, provided that this condition shall not prevent claims for loss of or damage to your tangible property or any other claims for direct financial loss that are not excluded by the categories set out above.

This does not affect our liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, nor our liability for fraudulent misrepresentation or misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter, nor any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.


We process information about you in accordance with our privacy policy and our Cookie Policy. By using Our Application, you consent to such processing and you warrant that all data provided by you is accurate.


10.1 Contracts formed through Our Application or as a result of visits made by you to Our Application for the supply of equipment or the provision of services to you:

  1. by Us are governed by our terms and conditions of supply, a copy of which can be found at; or
  2. by a third party (excluding Us) are governed by our classified advertisement terms and conditions.


Whenever you make use of a feature that allows you to upload material to Our Application, or to make contact with other users of Our Application, you must comply with the content standards set out in our Use Policy.

You warrant that any such contribution does comply with those standards, and you indemnify us fully and effectively:

  • for any breach of that warranty; and
  • from and against all costs, claims, liability, expenses (including legal expenses), damages and losses incurred by us as a result of a breach by you of the provisions contained in this clause 11, whether arising under tort, statute or otherwise.

Any material that you upload to Our Application will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary, and we have the right to use, copy, distribute and disclose to third parties any such material for any purpose. We also have the right to disclose your identity to any third party who is claiming that any material posted or uploaded by you to Our Application constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights, or of their right to privacy.

We will not be responsible, or liable to any third party, for the content or accuracy of any materials posted by you or any other user of Our Application. We have the right to remove any material or posting you make on Our Application if, in our opinion, such material does not comply with the content standards set out in our Use Policy.


You must not misuse Our Application by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to Our Application, the server on which Our Application is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to Our Application. You must not attack Our Application via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack.

By breaching this provision, you would commit a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities, and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use Our Application will cease immediately.

We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of Our Application or to your downloading of any material posted thereon, or on any website linked thereto.


You may link to Our Application, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it, but you must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where none exists.

You must not establish a link from any website that is not owned by you.

None of Our Application shall be framed on any other site, nor may you create a link to any part of Our Application other than the home page. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice. The website from which you are linking must comply in all respects with the content standards set out in our Use Policy.

If you wish to make any use of material on Our Application other than that set out above, please address your request to


Where Our Application contains links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your information only. We have no control over the contents of those sites or resources and accept no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.

These Mobile Application Terms of Use do not apply to any third-party website that is linked from time to time to Our Application.

You should read the terms and conditions pertaining to such third-party Website before using them and direct any questions or comments about the linked website’s contents to the relevant website provider.


The Isle of Man courts will have non-exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising from, or related to, a visit to our site although we retain the right to bring proceedings against you for breach of these conditions in your country of residence or any other relevant country.

These Mobile Application Terms of Use and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Isle of Man law.


All trading names, brand names, products and service names and titles and copyrights used in Our Application are trademarks, trade names and service marks or copyrights of their respective holders. No permission is given by us for their use by any person other than such holders and such use may constitute an infringement of the holders’ rights.


We may revise these Mobile Application Terms of Use and the documents referred to herein.

You are expected to review these Mobile Application Terms of Use and to the documents referred to herein from time to time in order to consider any changes that we make hereto and thereto, as such changes will be binding on you once you access Our Application.

Some of the provisions contained in these Mobile Application Terms of Use may also be superseded by provisions or notices published elsewhere on Our Application.


If any provision of these Mobile Application Terms of Use is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court, then it will be severed from the rest of these Mobile Application Terms of Use which shall remain unaffected.


These Mobile Application Terms of Use and the documents and policies referred to herein represent the entire understanding relating to the use of Our Application and supersede all other statements, representations or warranties (whether written, made electronically or orally) that we may have made previously.

Nothing in these Mobile Application Terms of Use shall affect the liability of either party in respect of any misrepresentation, warranty or condition that it makes fraudulently.

Any rights not expressly granted in these Mobile Application Terms of Use are reserved by us.


If you have any concerns about material which appears on Our Application, please contact Thank you for visiting Our Application.


What's changed?

This is the latest Mobile App Terms of Use Policy dated June 2020.

previous versions

  • None