Voicemails saved before the upgrade will be available on a dedicated webpage. After the launch, you’ll receive an SMS with login details, allowing you to listen to and download your stored messages.
Only plan.com customers on the EE network will be affected.
We are transitioning voicemail services for customers on the EE network from our in-house platform to the native EE voicemail platform.
Moving to the new voicemail system allows customers with compatible devices to enjoy Visual Voicemail, as well as offering improvements to the user experience for plan.com customers connected to the BT Wholesale (EE) network.
Once live, customers will access the new voicemail the exact same way they accessed the previous system.
Voicemail is conditionally enabled by default on all services.
Full migration to the new voicemail platform will occur on 5th February 2025. Customers will not have to do anything.
Customers transitioning to the new voicemail system will receive an SMS directing them to vm.plan.com, where they can access, download, and listen to all voicemails stored prior to 5th February 2025.
All existing messages can be accessed for 90 days, at which point access will be removed.
Yes, customers will need to re-record their Voicemail greeting.
No changes will be made for customers on the O2 network. Voicemail will continue to be set up and managed directly on their handsets.
Call forwarding setup can be arranged through our customer service team if needed.
As always, services connected to the BT Wholesale (EE) network can access and manage call forwarding features on my.plan under controls > device setup in the service panel (just click on a service card) or the main my.plan grid (via the main navigation).
These features offer users greater flexibility in managing calls, allowing them to divert them to voicemail or any other UK mobile or landline number. This can be done unconditionally, ensuring redirection even when your device is switched off, or conditionally, triggering redirection when your device is busy, unreachable, or unanswered.
For contracts with ten or fewer services, we have transitioned from a percentage-based annual price increase to a fixed pricing model:
Visual Voicemail is a device-specific application that adds enhanced features to the traditional voicemail experience. Unlike regular voicemail, Visual Voicemail displays message details directly on your screen, making it easier to access and control messages in a format similar to an email inbox.
Visual Voicemail is automatically activated on compliable devices but activation is occasionally delayed for up to for new services and renewing services.
iPhone users with iOS 17 and later can now access Live Voicemail.
Once activated, their phone will pick up incoming voicemail, convert it to text and show it in real-time on the incoming call screen.
If Visual Voicemail is turned on, voicemails captured also appear in the Voicemail tab in the ‘Phone’ app.
If your iPhone is turned off or you have no signal, calls go straight to voicemail. Otherwise, the call goes to Live Voicemail.
Find out more: https://support.apple.com/en-za/105066
Our experienced team of Customer Support Executives is on-hand to provide personalised support for all plan.com customers. Our phone lines are open weekdays 8am – 8pm and weekends 8am – 5pm. We aim to respond to emails and voicemails within 24 hours.
+44(0)3300 88 18 18