This guide helps people using my.plan Hosted Diagnostics and helps to explain what each category and item is, to ensure you can accurately diagnose any issue that may arise with your Hosted platform or for customers with broadband, your internet connectivity.
HOW TO ACCESS HOSTED DIAGNOSTICSTo access Hosted Diagnostics you will need the right permissions from your business’s my.plan administrator.
If you have permission, you can access it via CONTROLS > HOSTED > SYSTEM SETUP > DIAGNOSTICS
OVERVIEWThe Hosted Diagnostic Toolkit is divided into three sections:
This high-level report provides details associated with each phone number (DDI) that comes into your business. Here’s how it breaks down:
Red warning
Amber warning
Customers with broadband and managed router benefit from live and historic insight into your internet connectivity. Here’s how Data diagnostics break down:
There are four types of broadband available through ADSL2+ – often shortened to as just ADSL, refers to the most basic type of broadband connection available in the UK, where internet is delivered over the same copper-wiring used for your phone.
FTTC (40/10 and 80/20) – Fibre to the Cabinet (FTTC) uses fibre optic cables right up to the street cabinet, and then a copper line (telephone), known as a PSTN line, to connect the cabinet to the premises, be it your home or your business. The speed (40/10 or 80/20) depends on the distance from the cabinet to the property as well as the availability in the area.
FTTP (40/10 and 80/20) – Fibre to the Property (FTTP) is a pure fibre optic delivery method that uses fibre optic cables to the cabinet and to the property.
Red: Your broadband is not registered with Please note: only broadband details are available on this diagnostics page.
Amber: Your broadband has temporarily been suspended. Please contact us directly for more information.
Enabled or disabled shows whether the service has been activated by the provider (
Red: Your broadband has been disabled. Please contact us directly for more information.
Whether the broadband is enabled or has been disabled – usually for non-payment or due to fault repair.
Red: Your broadband is offline at source. Please contact us directly for more information.The date the service was activated or renewed
Red: Your broadband is yet to be connected. Please contact us directly for more information.
Grey: Information is not available.
Data sessions are temporary two-way exchanges between the data provider and the customer’s router. The number of data sessions depends on the amount of traffic being uploaded and received. Having ‘0’ data sessions is a sign that no data is being uploaded or received.
Red: have been no data sessions today, which means that data is not being actively uploaded or downloaded. This will happen if the router is not online, broadband is not available, or there is no internet traffic.
Amber: There are more 10 data sessions, which suggests that the router has been rebooted several times or the internet has been interrupted many times today.
This is the physical location at which the broadband service is being supplied.
Grey: The IP address cannot be discovered.
Red: The current sync rate is 0Mb or less than 10% of the expected rate.
Amber: The current sync rate is 10%-50% of the expected rate.
Red: No data has been downloaded within the last hour. This may happen out of hours if the service is not being accessed.
Red: No data has been uploaded within the last hour. This may happen out of hours if the service is not being accessed.
Red: No data has been downloaded today. This may happen out of hours if the service is not being accessed.
Red: No data has been uploaded today. This may happen out of hours if the service is not being accessed.
Red: No data has been downloaded within the last 30 days.
Red: No data has been uploaded within the last 30.
Red: The current username does not match the broadband username registered against the service.
Red: The last authorised username does not match the broadband username registered against the service.
Red: the broadband password has been rejected by the service provider.
Your sync rate, also known as your line speed, is the maximum speed at which your router can connect to the internet. It’s determined by how far away you are from the local exchange and can change each time you reboot your router.
Expected sync rate is calculated, not measured, based on several key factors: broadband type (ADSL, FTTC 40/10 or 80/20, FTTP 401/10 or 80/20), distance from local exchange, speed at exchange, availability at exchange. It is ‘expected’ because it is calculation, not a real-time measurement.
Red: The current sync rate is 0Mb or less than 10% of the expected rate
Amber: The current sync rate is 10%-50% of the expected rate.
Red: No data has been downloaded within the last hour. This may happen out of hours if the service is not being accessed.
Red: No data has been uploaded within the last hour. This may happen out of hours if the service is not being accessed.
Red: the broadband password has been rejected by the service provider.
Red: No data has been downloaded today. This may happen out of hours if the service is not being accessed.
Red: No data has been uploaded today. This may happen out of hours if the service is not being accessed.
Extensions are the people at your business who make and receive calls using the Hosted platform.
Each extension can have multiple endpoints, which can ring at the same time or independently depending on their status.
Here’s how the diagnostics page breaks down:
This is the latest Customer Diagnostics guide dated the 4th May 2021.